Thank you for your interest in the Skagit County Rotary! Our club is one of 35,000+ clubs worldwide with over 1.2 million members across the globe. While there are great global programs where clubs come together, Skagit Rotary is a group of just over 70 Skagitonians equally focused on global and local issues and programs
What does the Skagit Rotary do?
Our club is a group of fun loving, irreverent, professional men and women that want to do good in the world and county. We have committees working on different projects and we all meet once per week on Wednesdays to listen and contribute to programs and projects about our county then connect, celebrate, and collaborate to support our community. Our projects include our local auction to support scholarships across our organization, work parties to improve our local parks, as well as supporting projects for our local schools.
What type of people are you looking to join the club ?
The type of people that are typically invited are kind, talented people that want to give back to their community. Many are seeking friendship and fellowship amongst other leaders in Skagit. Others are looking for great ways to give back and use the club’s weekly programs to understand what’s happening across the county so they can plug in and yet others are looking to have some great fun with purpose. To join the Skagit Rotary is to volunteer your time and talents with other great people to truly make a difference in the lives of Skagitonians and perhaps understand at a much deeper level why this part of the world is so special.
What’s expected of me?
As a club member, you will be asked to:
- Pay club dues
- Attend meetings and events
- Use your professional skills and talents to make a difference
- Learn the secret handshake (just kidding - there are no secret handshakes, rings, or rituals in Rotary)